Updates on the Release Date of Ragdoll Dynamics for Blender

It has been over a month since the promised release date mentioned in the Ragdoll 2023.10.03 news forum, I was curious to know if there have been any updates regarding its availability.

The blender community has been eagerly awaiting the launch of this addon as it would significantly improve the flawed physics and animation capabilities of Blender.

I understand that development can be challenging, and delays can occur. However, it would be great if the community got consistent updates and communication regarding the status of this project.

Any information you can share regarding the progress, hurdles, or upcoming beta versions would be greatly appreciated. Knowing that the development team is actively working towards delivering this addon will alleviate any concerns the community might have.

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Hi @O_O and welcome to the forums! :partying_face:

Delays do indeed occur, and rest assured Blender is what we are working on every day. I initially wanted to let loose an early access version of the software a few weeks ago, but based on initial private beta testing figured it would be better to sort out both the obvious and not-so-obvious issues internally first. Me and the team are keen to make a very good first impression, and I expect we will.

That said… :drum: if it isn’t out this week, it’ll be out the following week!

And thanks for asking, it encourages us to make this happen!

The blender community has been eagerly awaiting the launch of this addon as it would significantly improve the flawed physics and animation capabilities of Blender.

Hi! Could you point me towards specific forums (Blender Artists and Blender Chat come to mind) or Discord servers just so I can keep tabs on what people are saying?

I appreciate your dedication to making a strong first impression with Blender. It’s clear that you and your team want to deliver a high quality product to your users. I’m excited to hear that it will be ready soon. I am eagerly looking forward to experiencing the addon and supporting your team in any way I can. Keep up the excellent work!

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Hey there! I apologize for any confusion, but unfortunately, the Discord chat I’m involved in is private and not open to the public.

To give everyone an update, we know you are eager for the release of Ragdoll for Blender, but we’ve hit a snag and need more time. I’ll update this thread once I know more.

I have noticed that there haven’t been any updates regarding the release for a couple of weeks now, and I was wondering if there have been any significant developments or progress made during this time. I am eager to experience the new features and improvements that you and the team have been working on.

I appreciate any updates or information you can provide on the release timeline. I look forward to the moment when I can get my hands on this version of ragdoll dynamics.

You have noticed correctly, the Blender release is still our main priority and we are making good progress following 2 major setbacks. Blender sure is not making addon development easy! :blush:

Rather than distribute this Blender Addon alone, we will distribute 2 products at the same time, hence the delay. One is the Addon and the other the Python API for Ragdoll Standalone, one that can be used to incorporate Ragdoll into other tools, both internal and standalone.

The plan is to launch an Early Access release within the coming week or two, with more polished but less features. From there, I expect a few weeks until a 1.0 and then we’ll be back on schedule. Really excited to get this into the world, it’s about time!

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Ok, we’ve posted a little something to get you started. :slight_smile:

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