Assigned Markers not visible on viewport

Hello there,

I am following along the Manikin I tutorial and seem to have this issue where when I attempt to assign and connect markers to the Manikin Rig, the members of the group are not visible and the markers are placed at the origin of the workspace.

I am using Blender version 3.6 with version 2024.04.15 of Ragdoll Core and Blender Addon.

Any help would be apprcieated!

Hi @VickyDP, welcome to the forums :partying_face:

Could you be using an Intel GPU by any chance? Are you able to open the Console to see if any of these messages appear for you?

Hi @marcus, thanks for the quick response!

Im running an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 CPU and AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT GPU on Windows 10 OS. The error that pops up in the system console is similar to the posting you linked. I’m pretty sure that AMD supports OpenGL so it might just be my drivers being outdated. I’ll give them an update and see if it works.

Still same error with updated drivers

ERROR: Linking vertex and fragment stages: Types must match:
vertex stage: " vec3 Color"
fragment stage: " vec4 Color"

Vertex path:
Fragment path:
Ragdoll failed to init OpenGL renderer: could not load gl_shaded_marker.vert/fragFAILED TO LINK SHADER:
ERROR: Linking vertex and fragment stages: Types must match:
vertex stage: " vec3 Color"
fragment stage: " vec4 Color"

Vertex path:
Fragment path:
Ragdoll failed to init OpenGL renderer: could not load gl_shaded_marker.vert/frag

Thanks for this, yes this isn’t an issue with your driver this one is on us. The drivers we’ve tested with has been very forgiving to this bug we’ve written, but not all drivers are.

I’ll try and get a patch out for this asap.

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I’ve pushed a possible fix for this now, please give 2024.05.23 a try. You’ll need to update both Ragdoll Core and Blender for this one.

Thanks so much for the update, it all seems to be working on my end now.

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