Shapes issue in Blender


I desided to use custom meshes for markers, but ran into the problem. It seems, that orientation of marker’s shape and orgin binded to the bone’s rotation in default pose, but there’s no option for rotating, scaling and etc for custom mesh shape, you can only set target the desired mesh shape. And, since bones in my rig are not in straight horizontal position, I can’t set custom mesh for markers correctly. Can you help me with that? What am I doing wrong here?
I’m using the latest version for Blender.

Hm, it should always align with the mesh you pick. Can you confirm you picked the mesh in this state? Would it be possible to record a video of the Replace Mesh process?

As a workaround, you can try duplicating the mesh and remove the duplicate from your character hierarchy, leaving it at the root of your Outliner, and then use this to replace with instead.

Thanks for reply! Yes, the character is in T-pose, here is the video of what I’m doing. This video recorded with mesh binded to Armature. Tried your approach and no changes.

Ahaaa, perfect. Yes, try the Replace Mesh item from the Ragdoll -> Utilities menu instead. It will handle the transformation differences.

It worked! Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

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