Sentinel 4.0 // Tetacles Master //

Hey everyone, this is a part of a personal project I’ve been working for a while.
I did previuos version of “The Sentinel” but now this new version was made thinking on production, having controls, and much more… I finally have the system working and Transfering keys correctly…


Stay tune ! I will release the module of the tetacle and all my files soon (maya, FBX, RAGDOLL, UE and much more )

Thanks !

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Thanks for sharing @Andrei_da_02!

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More progress !

“Animating with Physics” is a workflow and methodology I’ve been developing. I have conducted research, developed a methodology, and created animations and prototypes to help animators and production teams create, explore, and iterate using a versatile, user-friendly workflow.

Developing a circular workflow between Maya and Unreal Engine is part of my goal, but I still need to learn more about Unreal’s Control Rig to make it possible.

Stay tuned! There’s more to come as I release and share files and demos.

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Hey gang , continuign with the progress . I created this test of locomotion.
I helped the markers with a newton field and a bit of turbulence …

One more breakdown process …! I will keep feeding the sharing

Loving that last one, when they collide with each other. Wonder if it could do a twist? :thinking:

Thanks for the comments and following up ! apprecit it !

It does the twist as it needs. I meant, Markers twist depending on the SIM, but it id defenitally a more specific attr that could be added to the control rig. However , it is a more advanced thing.
Soon I will share the Demo of How the Module of the tentacle works and the prototype of how I envision the RIG and the worlflow should be.

Stay tune ! morefuns stuff to come on this seires of “Animating with Physics”

By twist, I mean if the “hands” remain where they are, and the head spins around. Creating a coiling effect, almost like a knot. Just a thought!

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Interesting, I will have to play around… I might need more details

Updating couple of videos in the playlist, about the module and the set up
thanks for watching!

Something like this, coiling around itself. (73.8 KB)

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Ohh got it !!! that’s good idea !
I will give it a try !

thanks !

This is kind where everything started !

Cheers !


I gave it a try to the twist and also a more organic feeling of the tentacles…
This is behaving pretty well!

There it is! So cool. :slight_smile: The unfolding is great!

How come the head stays straight as it falls? :thinking:

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Thanks Alan,

the head also got my attention, I will dig and investigate, it was too late lastnight hehehe!, the weight of tentacles should drag the head and make it tilt up a bit !

I will work on a cool shot and see how it results.

appreciate your comments!