Replace Marker Mesh problem

Hi Marcus,

I’m trying to use the ‘Replace Marker Mesh’ function but am running into some issues with the marker dissappearing as soon as I run it.

So it works fine on a polygon cube. But if I deform the cube say with a shrink wrap deformer, (deleting all history), it no longer works? Is there something I need to do to clean the geometry in order to run the Replace Marker Function?



Ragdoll version 2023.04.08
Maya 2022.4

Ok, nevermind. Seems to be something to do with the small scale we are using in Maya. Scaling the rig up works fine.

Hey @gang! Good to hear from you again.

Hm, typically the mesh conversion function deals with the physical size of your meshes; the one with Scene Scale applied - a.k.a. physical scale. So if your Maya mesh is 1 cm wide, but your scene scale is 0.1, then the physical scale is a mesh 10 cm wide.

In physical scale, the conversion function culls anything that is considered too tiny, which would be < 1mm or the like. So if you double-check that your Scene Scale gizmo in Manipulator mode lines up with your character, and aren’t tweaking Scene Scale to control behaviour and appearance of your simulation, then the physical scale should be predictable and converting meshes to convex hulls should behave predictably too.

Hmm. Ok. So 1cm = 1m in our scenes. The object is a small baby’s hand so is it possible it’s getting culled?

If you have a look at the visualisation tool for scene scale, is your character the correct relative scale to the gizmo? It should be about the size of the lower leg of that gizmo.

If you are able to reproduce this in a new scene, that would help even more. If you make a cube/sphere the same size, and set the Scene Scale the same, does it also disappear? If you can come up with a few steps I can take to reproduce it, that would be massive.

I don’t seem to have that visualization gizmo on mine?

Can’t seem to replicate it with the cube, unless I shrink the cube to a much smaller degree and then the marker similarly dissappears. But it’s much smaller than the hand in the scene.

Changing the scene scale in the assign options to 0.01 or 1 doesn’t seem to help either.

Aha, the gizmo was part of the 2023.10.03 release and that’s where scale has an effect on mesh conversion. Before that, you are limited to the Maya scale of the geometry and if it is too small there isn’t much one can do unfortunately.

I would strongly recommend updating.

Ok. That makes sense!

Will look into that thanks!