Reparent Entire Rig To Duplicate Character - Blender

Hi, I’m trying to set-up a scene with multiple characters colliding. I’ve exported the physics of the original rig, but when I re-import it into a scene the bones look stretched out and misplaced, even though the meshes for the actual ragdoll markers are in the correct places.

Is there a quick way to just re-parent the ragdoll to the original character’s rig?

Hi @xsomomo, welcome to the forums! :partying_face:

In Blender, there’s no option to import exported physics back onto the original character like there is in Maya, so exporting won’t do you any good in this case.

Instead, you may consider merging solvers from two separate characters, like this:

Thanks that’s very helpful. That definitely works, but is there some way to instance the duplicates rather than having to append them all separately? So they all use the same textures etc. When I append it creates a full copy of everything, leading to file bloat. I think this is fine for 2-4 copies, but is there a better solution for use cases with dozen or more?

I understand you guys are still developing the Blender add-on but thought I’d ask. Thanks!

There is no way to instance them unfortunately, at least that we know of.