Recording simulation error

hello i’m new in here
using trial version of ragdoll for studying (2024.07.01 ver)

i tried to make hair dynamic
first recording is fine
but second time it will be ruined

after first simulation

after second simulation

thank you reading it
(i deleted rSolverLayer for second simulation)

Hi @Enrike, welcome to the forums! :partying_face:

It’s a little hard to see what is going on in the .gif, would it be possible to playback at normal speed, and to upload a .mp4 instead? It’s not clear where your video begins and ends, hence which is the first and second recording.

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here is the video
sorry to late reply

You can upload .mp4 files onto the forum as well, just like a .gif. If you still have it, that would be great, because it means this thread will never end up with a broken link in the future.

I can see what you mean now, and I think it’s because:

  1. You make an edit to the solver after recording, Simulate Every: 2, meaning the next simulation will only simulate every other frame, not every frame
  2. But you do not clear the cache, meaning it will not simulate at all

A bit of an odd circumstance, I don’t believe we have a test in place for this. But more importantly, what effect are you looking for? If you want to edit the simulation, you’ll need to erase the previous simulation first; i.e. set Cache: Off.

There’s an option in the Record Simulation dialog that keeps the cache after recording, called Auto Cache. It’s unusual to ever need to do that, other than for debugging that the recording is identical to the simulation. I would recommend resetting all options to their default.

If you have some specific effect you are looking for, do let me know and perhaps there is another way.

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thank you for reply

I want to run hair simulation at 2 frames
However, phenomena like the video occur frequently
Is there a separate location where the ragdoll simulation cache is stored?
Could there be dummy files left there?
Even when I turn the computer off and on or restart Maya, the same phenomenon repeats.

I forgot to modify the animation curves
It was my mistake

Sorry for bothering you

Thank you for your kind response

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