Ragdoll 2022.02.28

Highlight for this release is Complex Geometry!


Before we get into the new features of this release, let’s have a look back at some highlights of the week.

For the Love of Ragdoll

Animation by Kevin Taylor, model by Shaun Keenan.


Dragon Setup Livestream

The dragon from the latest livestream last Friday!



A little experiment with worldspace rotation stiffness.


Rhino Workout

Soft joints for some belly-jiggle.


Rhino Walk

Nice self-walking rhino.


Self Walking Manikin

Same trick, different character. :slight_smile:



Soft Joints

Jason experimenting with the new Soft Joints feature.


Facial Animation

Getting some nice secondary motion out of moving the head and jaw around!



Ragdoll now supports static environments; meaning environments that cannot move or deform, but allow for normal polygonal geometry without the need for a simplified “convex hull”.

As you might expect, this works well for environments like terrain and other complex geometry that is otherwise hard to turn into a rounded mesh.



It’s fast.

Normal shapes are limited in how complex they can get, and as such you never really run into a situation where the shape noticeably affects performance.

Triangle meshes are different; they can be of any complexity. Up to millions of polygons and beyond. So it falls upon you to decide where to make the performance/quality tradeoff!

Vertex Count Cooking Time Run-time performance
400 0.39 ms 685 fps
8’000 3.51 ms 599 fps
16’000 14.3 ms 594 fps
64’000 61.5 ms 327 fps
256’000 287.7 ms 40 fps
1’000’000 1490 ms 2 fps

What is cooking time?
The time it takes for Ragdoll to convert your polygonal geometry into the internal representation needed for collision detection. It involves splitting up the mesh into areas or “zones” for faster lookup.

This only happens when the mesh actively changes and when first opening the Maya scene, and won’t affect playback speed.


Automatic Mesh Islands

Ragdoll needs “convex” meshes for anything that moves.

What is a convex mesh?
Think of it like a shrink-wrapped version of your mesh.

In 2D, it might look something like this.

330px-ConvexHull svg

Notice how the points in the middle are excluded? This is an optimal shape for collision detection, as you can draw a straight line from anywhere in the world and know that if it ever hits this shape, it hits it in only 1 spot.


In the previous release, “Mesh Islands” were introduced to turn each separate polygonal island into its own convex hull and glued together as one complex shape.

With that, you have a great deal of control over the final collision shape


Multi-cut settings
Tick the Extract Faces box, and zero out those values to get Maya to perform an actual split in the geometry as you cut. Otherwise, it will only insert new edge-loops and not actually create two separate meshes.


It did, however, mean that you had to take the time to manually slice up the mesh, which may not always be feasible. This release introduces an automatic method of slicing up a given mesh, into a close approximation of the original mesh.




There are a number of parameters to tune when generating your convex hulls, here’s what they mean.

Attribute Description
Resolution The number of “voxels” to generate from a given volume; the greater the number the more accurate the resulting representation. At the expense of time. Values between 100-1000 are normally sufficient.
Concavity The maximum allowed different in angle across the surface of the resulting meshes. It might be thought of as “roundness”.
Symmetry Bias Slices are made either horizontally and vertically, or radially. This value controls how much to favour the former.
Revolute Bias And this value controls how much to favour the latter
Min Volume Ignore computed volumes that are smaller than this. It can help reduce the number of very tiny meshes.
Max Convex Hulls How many separate meshes to make. This will depend on the complexity of your mesh, but generally the lower the better.
Plane Downsampling Performance related, lower values take longer
Hull Downsampling Also perforamnce related, lower values take longer
Fill Mode Various ways to deal with geometry that isn’t a closed volume. A sphere for example is a closed volume, whereas a plane is not.
Approximate Hull Performance related, faster when ticked.
Project Hull Vertices See what the generated meshes look like before they are “shrink-wrapped” back onto your model. These give you a good sense of how large the voxel resolution is.

Over time, as we learn more about which parameters work best in the most general case, I’d like to reduce the number of attributes here. Ideally we would only have a Quality attribute with Low, Medium and High settings.



It’s slow.

The process of automatically slicing your geometry is not real-time, it can take up to a few seconds or more. On the upside, it only ever happens when the mesh changes and does not affect playback performance.

Here are some timings for the meshes in the below simulation.


Object Pieces Time
rMarker_Barrels 30 1.9 s
rMarker_Ceratopsia 16 0.7 s
rMarker_FingerPlates 64 6.1 s
rMarker_LeaflessTree 183 6.3 s
rMarker_bull 16 0.8 s
rMarker_fish 16 0.7 s
rMarker_hand_basemesh 16 0.3 s
rMarker_horse 16 0.9 s
rMarker_humanBody 32 2.9 s
rMarker_jetFighter 16 0.5 s
rMarker_polySurface9 16 1.6 s
rMarker_shirt 16 0.9 s

Faster performance is on the map
This method is new to us, and we expect to find faster - ideally real-time - alternatives to this in the future.

Soft Joints

To balance out the talk of complex but hard geometry, let’s talk about “soft joints”.


Once I set Translate Motion = Soft and the feet hits the ground, notice how:

  • The spine is compressed
  • The legs are compressed
  • The arms are extended

Here’s a more extreme example.




General Purpose

We’re calling it “soft joints” when in reality this is Pose Stiffness but for translation rather than rotation. Which means you could use it for tentacles and other appendages that depend on not just rotating limbs but squishy and compressed limbs. Potentially stretchy limbs and spines too?

We haven’t yet explored this fully, so take it for a spin and let us know what you come up with. :blush:



When stiffness goes too low, limbs detach.


This is unintended behaviour and will be addressed in a future release. Proper breakable constraints are on the map, but this isn’t it. So use with caution, and limit it to create softness between your limbs.


The forum has gotten a face-lift! This will henceforth be where tutorials and showcases appear, along with notifications for new releases!

So sign up, subscribe to the News category to receive notifications when things happen in Ragdoll-land!



Out of beta and available to all.

If you need a more low-cost but commercial introduction to Ragdoll in your studio, then this is for you.


Group API

You can now make groups via the API.

from maya import cmds
from ragdoll import api

solver = api.createSolver()
ground = api.createGround(solver)
group = api.createGroup(solver)
sphere, _ = cmds.polySphere()
cmds.move(0, 10, 0)
marker = api.assignMarker(sphere, group)


The assignMarker command has also been simplified and does not longer implicitly create a group.

Quality of Life

A few more things to make your day that much more bright.

Manipulator Selection

You can now use the Manipulator to select both the Marker and Maya node, such that attributes can be edited in the Channel Box.


Manipulator Fit-to-view

Using the manipulator via the Ragdoll menu enabled you to also benefit from the F key, to fit your selection to the current camera.

But if a Marker or Group was selected and editable in the Channel Box, that no longer worked. Because under the hood, what you were really fitting in view was the solver shape node.

This has now been fixed such that you can fit any selected Marker, regardless of whether the solver shape node is selected or not!


Select During Playback

The Manipulator can now be used to select Markers during playback.

!!! info “Caveat”
Selection is based on the current simulated state and doesn’t understand rewind. To fix this, step at least 1 frame forward whenever you attempt to select, to ensure the selection and simulation is staying in sync.

This will be addressed in a future release.


Reset Shape

Whenever you assign a Marker, a default shape is computed based on your selection and available geometry or NURBS curves.



Refit Assignment

Likewise, when you branched off into a tree-like structure for your markers, you could easily end up with something like this.


This has now been addressed, whereby the marker which forms a fork now being reset automatically.


Licence Conservation

Applies to
This feature only applies to Floating Licence customers.

In the previous release, a licence was leased on plug-in load.

The problem was that, sometimes, an artist merely opens a scene with Ragdoll in it. Maya will determine that this file requires the Ragdoll plug-in to be loaded, and loads it. Upon load, Ragdoll would go ahead and check out a licence. But this artist doesn’t necessarily want to interact with Ragdoll, it could have been a texture artist opening up an animator’s scene, or someone rendering it.

This release introduces “licence conservation” which only tries to lease a licence upon a simulation taking place. That means a lease is not made on plug-in load, nor on scene open. If a solver is hidden from view, nor does it take place on playback start.

Only once simulation visibly begins is a lease requested, helping you save those precious seats for the artists that need it most.

Markers are still rendered in the viewport on the start frame for everyone, without a lease. The Solver is automatically hidden upon failure to lease a licence, pausing any further requests until it is made visible again.

Minor Releases

Inbetween this release and the previous release there were a few minor releases made.

  • Fix crash on fit-to-view
  • Fix crash on replaced mesh with 0 vertices
  • Hide prototype world and local attributes on the rdGroup node
  • The Request Lease button in the Ragdoll UI now actually works


The menu items for the old Legacy interface to Ragdoll Dynamics has now been removed. Scenes created with this interface will still open, so this is your last chance to save your work and transition to the current Marker-based workflow.


Working out some kinks in this release. :blush:

  • 2022.03.01 Fixed an issue with groups not being created properly
  • 2022.03.02 Fixed an issue with floating licences not being checked out properly

Stay tuned for more tweaks here.

A few more tweaks for 2022.03.03

  • Fixed Request Lease button in the Ragdoll UI
  • Deleting the original geometry for an Enviroment now also deletes the rdEnvironment node

Along with a few new additions that got left out of the release notes.

Merge Solvers

You can now merge two solvers together, move markers from one solver to another and extract markers into a new solver.

Extract Markers

Sometimes, you want some of your markers to be part of a separate solvers.

Move to Solver

Rather than merge two solvers in its entirety, move specific markers from one solver to another.

Manipulator with Multiple Solvers

The Manipulator can now be used in scenes with two or more solvers in them!

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Minor release, 2022.03.05

Fixes an issue where Ragdoll would complain about opening any file for non-commercial users. Thanks to @Andrei_da_02 for reporting this!