Hi there,
I’m making another thread to keep things specific. I have a strange Blender bug since I’ve been using Ragdoll in which the keyboard shortcuts from the Manipulator Help at the top right corner of the window don’t really correspond with the real keyboard shortcuts that I have to use to change the scale rotation or translation of the markers.
I believe that it might be because I changed Blender’s default navigation controls. Zoom in 3d VIEW is alt + mouse wheel for me and shift + drag is pan
Ctrl + Scale Drag is supposed to be Scale but I have to press Ctrl + Shift Drag
CTRL + drag is translation instead of just dragging the marker around
This makes things very cumbersome for example:
To rotate I have to CTRL + select the marker first and then I have to press shift to start rotating while holding the click, so the marker slider sometimes and has a small translation when it should be exclusively rotating.
In reality to exclusively rotate the marker Ctrl + Alt needs to be pressed
Here’s a screenshot of the helper:
And here’s a screenshot of the shortcuts:
Seems like Shift mouse move is the one that’s not working at all and Ctrl + Alt + Mouse Move is the one corresponding to rotation but it’s not reflected on the Keymap.
It appears to be contextual issue but really can’t tell from the outside, but if ragdoll is capable to update the real shortcuts that are mapped internally on that window I imagine any change to Blender’s keymap would be reflected live on the text. Also things would be a bit easier if the Keymap settings said what these shortcuts are about but all of them said Ragdoll Manipulator