Thanks, here’s what we’re looking at.
Base Layer
There is some animation around the 1,000 mark, the simulation would attempt to follow this.
Layer 1
Something is missing in this scene, I’m not seeing the Pin Constraint used to pull him around. But presumably, you’ve animated a pin constraint and added a field to your scene to make him move around, all appears well so far.
Layer 2
Here I need clarification; did you leave Layer 1 enabled when recording? If so, what result are you expecting? Whatever the animation looks like at the time of simulation is what the Markers will attempt to follow, given their Rotate Stiffnesses.
In this case, it looks like the simulation is run again, using the same Pin Constraint, but this time using the recorded simulation from last time as animation input.
Layer 3
Where the problem begins at frame 9,500.
However, if the previous layer was enabled at the time of recording, the Markers would again attempt to follow this animation, which explains why he suddenly starts moving at frame 9,500. He’ll be moving the whole time, except the Rotate Stiffness isn’t strong enough for it to have an effect.
Can you tell me more about these 3 layers, and whether you expect simulation from a previous recording to influence the next recording? I don’t see anything technically wrong here, the simulation is following your animation in each layer, for the full 20,000 frames.