In my setup Maya scene everything is working as normal. When I move the controls around, the markers follow. I have a spider-like creature with lots of legs and for some reason, when I use the “Import Phyisics” option and import the .rag file onto a fresh rig, a couple of the leg markers are no longer “sticking” with the controls.
Would there be obvious reason for this? Unfortunately I can’t really show a video or provide a file b/c it’s a production scene…
Hi @bugsdabunny, welcome to the forums!
Is it possible to reproduce the problem in a new scene? For example:
- Make a cube
- Assign to cube
- Export Physics
- Delete all Physics
- Import Physics
Hi @alanjfs thanks for the response. Unfortunately, I couldn’t reproduce, only on the complex character with lots of limbs. I ended up referencing the scene where I built the ragdoll rig into my shot animation scene. When I reference the Maya file directly, it still works. It only breaks for two of the limbs when importing physics.
Sorry, I know it’s not much help when I cannot reproduce it for you. I was mainly wondering if this is a common problem when importing physics, since I am new to ragdoll. I think for now I will have to just reference in the Maya file rather than Import Physics, until I can get a reliable reproduction of the issue
There should not be any problems when importing physics, we would consider that a bug. So any help in narrowing this down would be marvelous.
Are you spotting any messages in your Script Editor when importing?
There aren’t any errors, it seems like a successful import. And most of the rig is working as it should… If I can reproduce it without production assets I will definitely let you know
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