Thanks for the thoughtful questions and welcome to Ragdoll I’ll be back from holiday tomorrow to fill in some answers.
Can we start by clarifying whether you are using Ragdoll with Maya or Blender?
An example of what you see here would help narrow things down considerably, anything you could share?
Unclear what you mean. In Maya, Ragdoll runs at well beyond real-time for multiple characters at a time with tons of props and what have you. Performance is not something we struggle with very often.
There are 2 very different answers to this depending on the question.
- Are you transitioning from animation to simulation?
- Are you transitioning from simulation to animation?
Do a search for “transition” and you’ll find these amongst others.
Needs a lot more details, debugging what exactly? To debug retargeting and recording issues, there’s a very handy Ragdoll → Utilities → Extract Simulation which will let you preview the recording at the 3 different stages it goes through; extract, constrain and bake.
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