Locomotion Questions

hey everyone !
I have couple of questions about Locomotion.
I am on 2024.02.10 Version (Might need to Update?)

  • Is the are a way of make the framerange Longer than 100 frames other than me drawing the steps and update?

  • Is the a way to Translate 'straight" zT ? to kind of make sure it moves in straight line. Maybe snap it ?.. I eyeballed from the top viewport .

  • One more, I am catching up with the Updates, is there a new installer just for Locomotion?.. that’s kind of new to me

Thanks !


Yes, see here:

Yes, in the Attribute Editor, you can control the exact values.

There are minor updates you can install from there, they are independent from the Ragdoll install nowadays. But nothing that will affect the behaviour you mentioned above.

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sweet ! thanks for your help !!!