Locomotion inputMatrix error

Hello. Im having this issue when im trying to assign plan, it throws this error


Warning: ragdoll.format_exception_wrapper() - Traceback (most recent call last):

File “C:\Users\r.atrash\Documents\maya\modules\Locomotion-2024_05_07\scripts\locomotion\interactive.py”, line 145, in format_exception_wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File “C:\Users\r.atrash\Documents\maya\modules\Locomotion-2024_05_07\scripts\locomotion\interactive.py”, line 824, in assign_plan
plan = commands.assign_plan(body, feet, opts)
File “C:\Users\r.atrash\Documents\maya\modules\Locomotion-2024_05_07\scripts\locomotion\commands.py”, line 327, in assign_plan
mod.connect(plan_parent[“worldMatrix”][0], rdplan[“inputMatrix”])
File “C:\Users\r.atrash\Documents\maya\modules\Locomotion-2024_05_07\scripts\locomotion\vendor\cmdx_locomotion.py”, line 604, in getitem
raise ExistError(“%s.%s” % (self.path(), key))
ExistError: |rPlan_pCube1|rPlan_pCubeShape1.inputMatrix

It creates locomotion rPlan node, but in node editor theres no connections to it.

Hi @IllSkillz, welcome to the forums! :partying_face: Sorry to hear you are having issues with Locomotion.

Can you try this and let me know if this works?

Are you able to include more details about your scene? Can you provide steps for how I can reproduce it here?

There’s also a newer version of Locomotion available, try updating as well. The one you have is 2024.05.07.


unfortunately no luck, tried resetting settings but the error is the same

Hm, are you able to record yourself performing the above steps? With a box and 4 spheres. It would help solidify what is happening.

If you select the rPlan node, what does the Attribute Editor look like? Can you take a screenshot?

If you open the rPlan node in the Connection Editor, can you find the inputMatrix attribute? It’s odd for this to be missing, it’s a native attribute of the rdPlan node type.

i cant record screen atm. but im doing exactly the same thing as in the video

it seems that theres no inputMatrix in connection editor

Could you be having Ragdoll installed as well, a very old version? A year or two ago, Locomotion was part of the Ragdoll plugin. If this old version were to be installed and loaded first, it’s possible this old version of Locomotion would take precedence over the newer Locomotion.

yes, they both installed and the thing is that locomotion was working just fine, after admin did something it broke. he did something unrelated to maya or ragdol so idk if its even related but timing is right

Aha. Can you have a look at what version of Ragdoll is installed? You can find it in your Plug-in Manager.