Hi Marcus,
First of all, thank you for the creation of this incredible software. I hope in the near future it becomes an industry standard for a multitude of use cases!
Helping that effort, I made an ambitious decision a few months ago to design a universal vehicle rig that utilizes Ragdoll to simulate physics. I’m happy to say that after some initial tests followed by a working prototype Ragdoll is totally capable of creating realistic simulation. I will post some results on the forum later on.
There are some caveats though, and I’m hoping I could get you guys to implement a method that allows for processing live data during playback in a future release if there’s no existing solutions for this already. (tried my best digging after this)
What I’m hoping to have is a variety of output attributes on both markers and constraints to read their current state to further process it on the node network level to then update input parameters for the next frame. This would open doors for a ‘semi automated’ workflow that includes the node network in the simulation loop, to ultimately further influence it with regular Maya nodes.
After testing the ‘rMarker.outputMatrix’ attribute I’ve found out that it has a strange delay and tendency to not update at all during playback, so atm it’s not too reliable.
Having access to already calculated data, such as forces, velocity, world positions, angles, etc would be really awesome, either having them fed into output attributes or perhaps extracting them through a pickMatrix kind of node connected to the .currentState or such is what I’m imagining as a solution.
What do you think, would it be possible to implement this?