Hi Marcus,
I’m not able to shift select a marker together with geometry the way you do in your tutorial. I need to exit the manipulater mode and then do it. Is there something I’m not doing?
Hi Marcus,
I’m not able to shift select a marker together with geometry the way you do in your tutorial. I need to exit the manipulater mode and then do it. Is there something I’m not doing?
Heya, to which tutorial are you referring?
Ahh, sorry, yes, it was the Ragdoll Tutorial, Meshes and Limits.
I have a second question also. Is the shape of the capsules important, for example for collisions, weight etc. Or do the mesh shapes that they are replaced with overide all the capsules shapes?
Thanks, you might need to be just a little more specific, is this the video?
And at what time are you seeing the selecting marker together with geometry that you are attempting to replicate?
Yes there is only ever 1 shape per Marker, based on the Shape Type
attribute. It’s either a mesh or a capsule that determines collisions and mass.
I think this is the one. It’s not a big deal, the way you did it is super fast though
Selecting from the set is also pretty so I can do it that way too!
The way I did it in that video was:
Replace Mesh
Probably used G to repeat the last command, to avoid having to go through the menu. Can also middle-click on the Ragdoll menu to re-run the last menu item.
That’s about as fast as I can think of.