Can't activate Ragdoll - Windows - Maya 2018 - Latest Ragdoll (Ragdoll-2022_07_20)


I deactivated Ragdoll on my main machine in order to launch it on my laptop, as I will be using that one for a while now.

Unfortunately I enter the Licence key but it doesn’t activate.

And a screenshot of the message Maya is giving whenever I try.

What exactly is a floating licence?

I bought a Ragdoll Personal, 99£

Please help?


Sarah Padoan

Hi Sarah,

I’ve replied via email as well; sometimes Ragdoll can mistake a machine for being “virtual” meaning it’s not a real machine but a software emulated machine, such as a cloud computer. The floating licence is something studios can use to enable use of cloud machines like those on Amazon or Google Cloud. It’s not something you’ll need, and I’ve updated your serial number now so give it another go!

Hi Sarah, it looks like the licence might still be active on your other computer, I can deactivate it here and that might work to activate on your laptop .


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It solved, Now works on my laptop too.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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Same for me. I have just purchased the $199 freelance license and I have got the same message.

// Error: ragdoll.activate() - This serial cannot be used in a virtual machine, you’ll need a floating licence for that.
// Warning: ragdoll._is_succeed() - Failed, see Script Editor
// ragdoll.status_update() - Ragdoll is expired

I´m using Maya 2023 with Ragdoll-2022_12_signed. I have setup as offline the Autodesk Dektop Connector but still doesn’t work.

any help? :slight_smile:



Welcome to the forums @Apaketan, feel free to email me at along with your serial number, and I’ll get it sorted for you!