Applying ragdoll only on a single COG control


I am trying to apply the sim only on the COG. I selected the COG, then go Ragdoll->Assign, I set the Behavior to Simulated, Translate Motion to Soft, Translate Stiffness to 0.01, Translate Damping to 1, Rotate Stiffness to 1, Rotate Damping to 0.

Overall this is giving me a good result with the offset, but the ball dropped around 20 units downward at the beginning when I hit play, like the gravity is pulling it down, is there a way to not have it drop at the start?

Here’s a video of the sim. You can click “request access” and I will share it

Maybe my way of doing this is wrong, is there a better way for applying ragdoll on just one control?

Thank you.

Hi @feiyuen, we cannot access your video on Google Drive. If possible, are you able to make a short video of less than 10 mb and drop it into your comment field? It will upload and be stored directly on the forum.

If I understand you correctly, you wish to disable gravity. This can be done via the Gravity attribute on the Solver, for both Maya and Blender.